Majoring in Electronics and communication engineering, with projects and studies focussed on Microprocessors, Machine Learning and Software Development.
Took a bootcamp on Data structures and Algorithms and later became a Teaching Assistant and a problem setter for the same course, helping students with doubts and creating new DSA questions for tests and classes.
Graduated high school with 90.2% and an JEE rank of 13,000 being among top 1% of students in the country.
Ruby on Rails |ReactJS | SQL | Redis | Sidekiq
JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | API’s
Arduino | ArduinoC | C++ | Eagle CAD | 3-D Printer | CNC Machines | Sketch Up
I am a 21 year old, Software Developer with strong experience in frontend, backend engineering as well as data structures and algorithms.
I like automating things using micro-controllers, building stuff and reading about geopolitics.
Check out my projects at GitHub .
Experienced with technologies like ReactJS, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, Figma, SemanticUI, Blender.
Experienced with technologies like Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, SQL, Redis, SideKiq.
Very strong fundamentals of Data structures like Array, Strings, LinkedList, Stacks, Queue, Heaps, Tree's, Graphs in C++ language with over 600+ questions solved on various platform.